Solar wind


Solar wind speed

412 km/c normal
Dynamics for the last 2 days using dscovr spacecraft data
Solar wind speed
This chart in PNG format — high resolution text data: JSON or TXT

Solar wind density

2.9 cm-3 normal
Dynamics for the last 2 days using dscovr spacecraft data
Solar wind density
This chart in PNG format — high resolution text data: JSON or TXT

Solar wind temperature

175 000 K increased
Dynamics for the last 2 days using dscovr spacecraft data
Solar wind temperature
This chart in PNG format — high resolution text data: JSON or TXT

Interplanetary magnetic field induction

17.9 nT high
Dynamics for the last 2 days using dscovr spacecraft data
Interplanetary magnetic field induction
This chart in PNG format — high resolution text data: JSON or TXT

Component Bz of the interplanetary magnetic field

+4.2 nT positive
Dynamics for the last 2 days using dscovr spacecraft data
Component Bz of the interplanetary magnetic field
This chart in PNG format — high resolution text data: JSON or TXT