Active areas

Sunspots and active regions

The following regions with sunspots can be now observed on the Sun's surface
Group numberSunspots Location on the SunThe number of spots in the groupThe classification by the Zurich's modified systemArea (millions of shares of the solar hemisphere)Group length (in degrees)Carrington Longitude (in degrees)Group's magnet type
№ 2055N12 W5009Eho025012271Beta
№ 2056N05 W3713Eai021013258Beta-Gamma
№ 2057N15 W2704Cao009004248Beta
№ 2058S10 W1209Bxo001004234Beta
№ 2060S14 W0523Dac018010227Beta-Gamma
№ 2061S23 E2701Hax009002194Alpha
№ 2062S06 W7204Cao004006294Beta
№ 2063N10 E4105Dao012006180Beta
№ 2064N08 E2604Bxo001002195Beta

H-alpha plages without spots

The following H-alpha plages without spots can be currently observed on the Sun's surface
Area numberCoordinatesCarrington Longitude (in degrees)
№ 2054S09 W73296
№ 2059S01 W36259