Active areas


Sunspots and active regions

The following regions with sunspots can be now observed on the Sun's surface
Group numberSunspots Location on the SunThe number of spots in the groupThe classification by the Zurich's modified systemArea (millions of shares of the solar hemisphere)Group length (in degrees)Carrington Longitude (in degrees)Group's magnet type
№ 3992S06 W1111dai0150 06242beta-gamma
№ 3991S12 E5803cso0030 07173beta
№ 3990S09 E4007dko0260 07191beta-gamma
№ 3989N18 E2201hsx0200 03209alpha
№ 3986N06 W3002hsx0140 03261alpha
№ 3983N06 W5204dro0020 03283beta

H-alpha plages without spots

The following H-alpha plages without spots can be currently observed on the Sun's surface
Area numberCoordinatesCarrington Longitude (in degrees)
№ 3988S18 W79310
№ 3987S09 W18249